The right match among the words and the sport is:
- <em>El béisbol:</em><em> el receptor, la pelota, el guante, atrapar.</em>
- <em>El baloncesto:</em><em> la pelota, driblar, cancha, el cesto, atrapar.</em>
- <em>El tenis:</em><em> la pelota, cancha, la red. </em>
The translation of the words in the answer is:
- Baseball: catcher, ball, glove, catch.
- Basketball: the ball, dribble, court, the basket, catch.
- Tennis: the ball, court, the net.
1. Baseball is a sport that is played in a field, where inside the players there are batters, <u>catchers</u> and pitchers, it is played with a <u>ball</u> the size of a fist and the trick is to hit the ball as strongly as possible and thus prevent it from being <u>caught</u> with a <u>glove</u> by the opposing team.
2. Basketball is a sport that is played on a <u>court</u> between two teams whose goal is to hit the <u>ball</u> in the opposite <u>basket</u>, for this they can <u>dribble</u> or pass the ball to a player who <u>catches</u> it and is closer to the basket.
3. Tennis is a sport where two or four people face each other on a <u>court</u> that has a <u>net</u> in the middle, the goal is to pass a <u>ball</u> over the net using a racket, so strong that the other player cannot return it.