All medicines must be stored in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight and moisture. Some medicines require special storage conditions such as in the refrigerator, or even the freezer. Such medicines can expire quickly if they are improperly stored at room temperature, becoming toxic or less effective.
If it isn’t taken within 72 hours of exposure it simply will not work
Heres a few examples:
-washing your hands
-use of protective equipment like, gloves, masks, and eyeglasses.
-coughing in your arm
-sneezing into a tissue
-using sterile instruments and devices.
B. Antibiotic B will compete with antibiotic A, making it more likely for bacteria to evolve
antibiotic resistance.
Hereditary aplastic anemia is passed down through the genes from parent to child. It is usually diagnosed in childhood and is much less common than acquired aplastic anemia. People who develop hereditary aplastic anemia usually have other genetic or developmental abnormalities that cause the aplastic anemia.
Hope this helps!
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