If the patient looks flushed and is perspiring it is necessary to check their vital signs. The elevated heart rate and decreased blood pressure indicate that the patient is experiencing diabetic emergency especially the patient might have hyperglycemia. This results due to an abnormal increase in the blood glucose levels and if it is not treated hyperglycemia may advance to diabetic ketoacidosis and diabetic coma.
Answer: Is there supposed to be options? Sorry but here's my answer. Hope it helps!
Analyzing aggregate BMIs, advocating a change in school lunches, and exploring societal and cultural values related to activity are examples of a macroscopic approach to the community health problem of childhood obesity.
Functions of the small intestine:
- Digestion process = contributes to end digestion by adding pancreatic and bile juices to the process.
- Absorption process = Aids in the absorption of water, vitamins, proteins, salts, fats necessary for the body.
- Food transit (peritalism) = the chyme formed in the stomach continues its process in the intestine where more digestive enzymes are joined until it is taken to the large intestine with many products already discarded from the digestion.