Answer below
Well when natural selection occurs, genes that don't benefit the speicies, or more accurately, harm it by ruining camoflague. Natural selection can result in one creature evolving into 3 different species when those creatures get put into different environments that promote genetic mutations that help them survive. After a long while of genetic mutations coming and going to adapt to their environment, those three members of the species are no longer the same species because they've all adapted to different environments.
Answer: C
Explanation: Left ventricle. With the thickest muscle mass of all the chambers, the left ventricle is the hardest pumping part of the heart, as it pumps blood that flows to the heart and rest of the body other than the lungs.
All cells have same genes, but different genes are active in different cells
Most living organisms are made up of different kinds of cells specialize in performing various functions like nerve cells perform different functions than blood cells. But all the cells are composed of same set of genetic information.
Since biochemical function is found out mainly by some specific enzymes, different sets of genes must be turned on and off in the various cell types to perform different functions. This is how cells differentiate for different functional capabilities.
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