The poem Tide Rises, The Tide Falls moves while providing the readers the information that there is life after every end while using nature as the key element of the poem. Nature has been described as gentle but violent. Realizations of death have also been present in this piece. The writer shows that even death is inevitable and part of life, life moves on after it.
Refusing to acknowledge something unpleasant is a way of coping with that thing. Saying something that’s unpleasant isn’t unpleasant or there, convinces them that it might make it actually go away,
In the play A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare, Shakespeare portrays four different kind of love forced love, parental love, romantic love and complicated love.
Hope and perseverance
Mama keeps taking care of it even though its almost dead and she is pretty much looking towards better days and will keep persevering to get there
also u might wanna specify the book next time