b) Produce and store large numbers of white blood cells
The lymphatic system's primary role is to produce white blood cells. The main organs were these cells are produced are the bone marrow, the thymus, the spleen, and the lymph nodes, which are distributed in different parts of the body, such as our neck, armpits and near the groin. these organs produce and store white blood cells, that will circulate in the blood or will be in action when the blood is filtered in the spleen or lymphatic nodes.
Al igual que la mitosis, la meiosis es una forma de división celular eucariota. Sin embargo, estos dos procesos distribuyen el material genético entre las células hijas resultantes de formas muy diferentes. La mitosis crea dos células hijas idénticas, cada una de las cuales contiene el mismo número de cromosomas que su célula madre.
deletion mutation
during the replication this may occur
Energy transfer will stop when both objects reach equilibrium