<span>According to the National
Archives, Chief Justice John Marshall established the principle of
judicial review in the landmark case of Marbury v. Madison. His
decision expanded the powers of the Supreme Court by establishing its
right to overturn acts by the president, Congress and states if the acts
violated the Constitution. With this decision, Chief Justice Marshall
added judicial review to the governmental system of "checks and
The Spanish Armada was commanded by King Phillip II of Spain to attack Britain in 1588. Queen Elizabeth I of England hired Sir Francis Drake to command the Royal Navy, which defeated the Spanish Armada using wind to blow flaming ships into their fleet.
When the colonists became rebellious to British policies, the government was forced to repeal the Townshend Acts as a consequence.
Before this though, the British government sent troops to Boston, which resulted in hostility from the colonists, ultimately leading to the Boston Massacre.
<span>Racism encompasses both prejudice, the belief that people belong to distinct races with innate hierarchical differences that can be measured and judged; and discrimination, the practice of treating people differently on the basis of their race.
Prejudice against people who belong to certain races involve attitudes and beliefs about them based on stereotypes that are not always accurate. Examples of prejudiced beliefs can include: "Asians are smart", "Muslims are terrorists" or "Americans are ignorant".
Discrimination on the other hand involves behaviors and actions towards individuals of certain races based on prejudices. Examples of discrimination include: making fun of someone's skin color or ethnicity, and not hiring a candidate for a job on the basis that he/ she belongs to an ethnic minority. </span>