Ganadería industrial:
1. Se suele hacer en espacios cerrados donde los animales viven en condiciones casi que de hacinamiento con el fin de hacer más eficiente el uso del recurso físico.
2. Los animales suelen ser alimentados con concentrados específicos que tienen el efecto de estimular el crecimiento muscular y de engorde tan rápido como sea posible.
3. La producción de carne o lácteos está orientada a la gran industria, y se lleva a cabo en grandes volúmenes.
Ganadería artesanal:
1. Los animales están en espacio abierto, tanto en pequeñas fincas (minifundios), como grandes pastos (latifundios de ganadería extensiva).
2. Los animales son alimentados de forma natural, principalmente de pasto.
3. La producción suele ser a menor escala, y en muchas ocasiones, con el fin de contribuir a la manutención del pequeño ganadero y su familia.
Carrie believe in Trait Approaches.
The trait approach is known to be one of the first attempts at a systematic approach to achieve the most efficient form of leadership in a group. It refers to the approach of taking into consideration the ‘traits’ of herself and the prospects.
This is known to be highly successful in many cases, and matches up completely with the description given by the question. Although it pales, when it is considered that such an approach only takes views of the individual leader, which may not it well with the other people of the group.
A coordination problem
This can best be thought of as a coordination problem.
Democratic voters in this district likely would prefer either Democrat to win compared with the Republican.
However, voters may have different preferences for which Democrat they most prefer.
By having a primary election first, Democratic voters can coordinate on which candidate to vote for in the general election, thereby making sure that they at least will elect one of the Democrats.
<span>Mc Whorter believes that texting “degradates written language” because he thinks that texting is not really a written language. He also adds that texting resembles spoken language due to the fact that it avoids punctuation and capitalization. It tends to be looser and telegraphic, as well as less reflective. </span>