The title of "Emperor of the French" was supposed to demonstrate that Napoleon's coronation was not a restoration of monarchy, but an introduction of a new political system: the French Empire. ... His reign continued until 4 September 1870, after he was captured at the Battle of Sedan during the Franco-Prussian War.
Germany had huge economical problems after the WWI and they are widely seen caused by the Versailles Peace treaty. Besides huge war debts Germany also needed to pay in total 132 billion marks of reparations for the Allies. Beginning from the 1921 Germany faced a huge inflation often referred as hyperinflation.
Jesus' resurrection is a witnessed, but not historically confirmed event, in which, according to preserved testimonies, Jesus was executed by crucifixion and buried in a carved rock tomb. After just over two days, witnesses are said to have observed the tomb empty and Jesus alive. According to many Christians, this could have happened because it was a miracle and therefore evidence that Jesus would actually have been the Messiah, the Son of God. According to many theologians, the resurrection of Jesus is not historically provable, but a matter of faith.
The event is central to the Christian faith, where the traditional theological interpretation is that Jesus overcame death in this way: Jesus paved the way for all who believe in him to arise in the same way at his return. In liberal Christianity, the resurrection can be perceived as spiritual or symbolic.
Louverture's prominent role in the Haitian success over colonialism and slavery had earned him the admiration of friends and detractors alike. Toussaint Louverture began his military career as a leader of the 1791 slave rebellion in Saint-Domingue; he was by then a free man and a Jacobin.
The correct option is A.
Political Action Committee is a type of organization which pool campaign contributions from members and donate the pooled funds to campaign for or against candidates. The major function of Political action committee is to finance campaigns.