<span>The paralysis is from a chain reaction of cells not processing sodium properly. This leads to their residing in a resting potential instead of forming action potentials, as is required for them to fire during muscle movements. The electrical impulses are not moving down the cells, leading to their not being able to move and, therefore, paralysis of the affected or poisoned areas.</span>
1. A decrease in the number of greenhouse gases that humans produce will result in lowered global temperatures. This will allow the ice sheets in the polar regions to increase increasing also albedo.
2. Using light-colored building materials on houses and pavement in urban centers will work towards increasing albedo as more sunlight is refelcted back by built environments.
3. Decreased deforestation/increase in aforestation increases the earth’s sirface albedo because vegetation reflects back more sunlight than the earth’s bare surface.
Type of cell division that results in two daughter cells each having the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent nucleus, typical of ordinary tissue growth.