Which Essay? Please write the name of it at least.
Mankind consciousness about Universe and God
Throughout the time mankind have experienced hard times, wars, regarding values, religions and traditions. Nowadays we have experienced clearly stream of consciousness style. We have seen people learning Yoga, Meditation, True contact with yourself and God. Respecting the Universe, God, Mother Nature. This is a tendency of the last days of humanity.... to go to God.
In compound sentence, there are two independent clauses that are joined using a coordinator. While in complex sentence, there are two or more clauses with one essentially an independent clause while there can be on or more dependent clauses. The difference between compound and complex sentence is that there is no dependent clause in compound sentence and at least there is one dependent clause in complex sentence.
Number 6, Green Road,
August 28, 2020.
Hey man, how is it going? Hope you're doing great.
You remember I told you I would be graduating from Secondary School next week, right? Well, Secondary School was fun, it was a real learning phase and now I'm ready for the next stage of my life.
I'm writing to you, to appreciate you for your support all these years and how you have stood by me and contributed positively to my life most especially during my stint as the Library Prefect which I held for nine months. You were always helping me keep the library safe and organized, so much to the extent that my assistant library prefect got jealous and angry because you literally took her job from her, hehe.
Thank you for all the memories, even though I'm yet to forgive you for pranking me last month, but I hope our friendship will be forever.
Lots of love,
Christian Kumwha.
He used magic to make it look like a dream like state in the red death and the tone helped create expression in the poem