c: connection between the brain and behavior
No but those that live as travelling Traders are the Nomads
A nomad is an individual from a community without fixed home which routinely moves to and from similar territories. Such gatherings incorporate hunter-gatherers, pastoral nomads (owning livestock), and tinkers or trader nomads. In the 20th century, populace of Nomads gradually diminished, coming to an expected 30–40 million wanderers on the planet starting at 1995.
A Nomad is an individual with no settled home, moving here and there as a method of acquiring food, discovering field for domesticated animals, or in any case earning enough to pay the rent.
Migrant chasing and assembling following occasionally accessible wild plants and game is by a long shot the most established human means strategy. Pastoralists raise groups, driving or going with in examples that typically try not to drain pastures past their capacity to recuperate.
Nomadism is additionally a way of life adjusted to barren areas, for example, steppe, tundra, or ice and sand, where versatility is the most productive procedure for misusing scant assets
In journalism, yellow journalism is a pejorative reference given to various practices or tendencies of news media organizations which, by the standards of journalistic professionalism, are considered to be unprofessional and detrimental to the principles of journalistic integrity as a whole. The term typically refers to sensationalism in news reporting that bears only a superficial resemblance to the profession of journalism. The term "infotainment" was coined to refer to news programming that blends journalism and entertainment in a way which, critics argue, diminishes the news value and professionalism of the reporting.
The phrase "media bias" is a related term which is used in political rhetoric to assert a broad political bias within news media organizations. Its common usage derives from news media talk shows where an organization's functionaries and personalities tend to direct discussion away from issues in professional journalism to issues in politics.
Hope that helps!
d. loss of positive social rewards
Behavioral psychology or Behaviorism is the theory of learning that is based on this idea that all behaviors are obtained through conditioning. And conditioning occurs when an individual interact with the environment.
When a person retires and starts to develop health problems, the person eventually loses contact with the society and starts to get depressed because he loses the positive social rewards.
When one interacts with the society, it provides a sense of well being and self dignity that results in happiness and contend. The individual beliefs that he or she is being accepted by the society.
Thus when becomes unsocial, he enters into a state of depression.
Thus the answer is --
d. loss of positive social rewards
Answer: NO
This is because the best phase to measure their new product failure is the Test Marketing Phase. Marcellis and his team mate are still in their screening phase of the new product.
Test Marketing Phase is the last stage every new product undergo before it can be launched or produced in a full scale. In this stage, the new product is exposed to carefully chosen sample population in the open market to decide the product efficacy or weakness.