Following code are:
int *temp; //declaration of variable
// perform swapping
temp = xp;
xp = yp;
yp = temp;
we declare an integer data type pointer variable "*temp" then perform swapping between them.
The variables "xp" and "yp" are already declared and these variables are performing swapping among three.
IF function has three parts
IF (condition_to_check , return_if_true , return_if_false)
IF function first checks condition. If it is true it returns first result. Otherwise it returns second result.
Condition to check:
After inserting numbers we get:
This is correct so the first result will be returned.
The given IF function returns "Closed".
It depends on the structure of the sentence.
This will be shown as grammatical mistake because both the spellings are correct. If we write the word weather instead of the whether, Ms word shows the grammatical mistake. This is because, if we want to write the word whether, we should use or in our sentence. Both of these words are comes together.
I will take a leave whether its raining or not.
In above sentence, both whether and or comes together. If we write weather instead of whether it just show the grammatical mistake in the sentence.
The <span>three special purpose devices one might find in a data center and what they do are :
</span><span>1) Load Balancer</span><span> is a device that acts as a reverse proxy and distributes network or application traffic across a number of. servers.</span><span>
2) Logical Servers are logically separate servers (e.g., a Web server, an
email server, and a file server) on the same physical computer.
</span>3) V<span>irtual Servers ran on the same physical computer </span>that shares
hardware and software resources with other operating systems (OS), they are
popular in Web hosting environments.