The base for a hexadecimal number system is 16
The fastest WPM was 216 wpm
Two's-complement notation can represent all integers from - 2^(N-1) to 2^(N-1) - 1, where N is the word length of the computer. So, in your example, the computer could store all integers from -128 to 127 inclusive.
<span>One's-complement notation can represent all integers from - 2^(N-1) - 1 to 2^(N-1) - 1, where N is the word length of the computer. So, in your example, the computer could store all integers from -127 to 127 inclusive</span>
int second_to_last = (number/10)%10;
int third_to_last = (number/100)%10;
The first expression int second_to_last = (number/10)%10; first divide the number by ten and then get modulus by dividing by ten again which will then give the second to last digit.
Assuming number is 146 the second to last digit will be 4.
for the second expression int third_to_last = (number/100)%10; first divide the number by hundred and then get modulus by dividing by ten which will then give the third to last digit.
Assuming number is 4368 the third to last digit will be 3.