The government may either sell goods or render services like train, city bus, electricity, transport, posts and telegraphs, water supply, etc. The government also earns revenue from the production of commodities like steel, oil, life-saving drugs, etc.
c. Virtual Team
Since they don't meet in person, they are settled in different locations and collaborate through technolgy, they only meet virtually, they are called a virtual team
(C) Where a particular event has affected the desirability of the property
A stigmatized property is one that has been psychologically impacted by an event that occurred on the property or one that has been suspected to have occurred on that property. Such a property is now "stigmatized" because such an event will have a drastic effect on multiple values and aspects of the property.
German companies do not recognize the profit <u>until the project is completely finished and they have been paid.</u>
German companies prepare their accounting balances under IFRS standards (common for all EU member countries) and German GAAP.
Under IFRS standards, revenue must be recognized when the business satisfies a performance obligation.
German GAAP is very prudent in determining profits, that is why they are only recognized once a project is completely finished and it has been completely paid.
Some specific German rules are to starting to change due to globalization, but others are still subject to legal requirements.
The refund claimed should be shown as a benefit due to loss carryback in 2018.
Since Tanner, Inc. incurred a financial and taxable loss for 2018. and decided to use the carryback provisions as it had been profitable up to this year, the amounts related to the carryback should be reported in the 2018 financial statements as a benefit due.
Tax loss carryback is when a corporation <u>retrospectively adjusts its tax returns for prior periods</u> if it incurs a net operating loss (NOL) in current period.
The loss carryback <u>generates a tax refund</u> for the business because it reduces previous year tax liability. After the carried back loss is applied, it will be <u>as though the business overpaid taxes the previous year; which will now be shown as a benefit in the current year</u>