He described an ideal form of government in his writing.
The Greek philosopher Aristotle was a pupil of Plato and like his teacher, he was also interested in observing and describing/ working on what constitutes an ideal government. This stemmed from the wrongful accusation and death of Socrates which led to Pluto and eventually Aristotle critiquing and even suspecting a democratic government.
He famously stated in his "Politics" that <em>"man is by nature a political animal"</em>. Like his teacher Plato, he also developed his own ideas about what constitutes an ideal government and analyzed all forms of government.
Thus, the <u>correct answer is the fourth option</u>.
The power to establish and maintain schools. All the others are left to the federal government.
The Haitian revolution came to North American shores in the form of a refugee crisis. In 1793, competing factions battled for control of the then-capital of St. Domingue, Cap-Français (now Cap-Haïtien.) The fighting and ensuing fire destroyed much of the capital, and refugees piled into ships anchored in the harbor. The Haitian Revolution and the subsequent emancipation of Haiti as an independent state provoked mixed reactions in the United States. This led to uneasiness in the US, instilling fears of racial instability on its own soil and possible problems with foreign relations and trade between the two countries.
Point 1- Avoiding french future hostility encompassing it with more grounded nations (ie-Switzerland perceived as an autonomous country).
Point 2- Reestablish a parity of intensity so no nation danger to each other.
Point 3-Wanted to reestablish European imperial families to the honored positions they had held before Napoleon's victories.
After the Napoleonic Wars, focal Europe as often as possible saw essential discretionary exchanges, and urban communities, for example, Vienna, Aix-la-Chapelle, Carlsbad, Troppau, and Laibach filled in as the spots for meet of European rulers and negotiators. Austrian Chancellor Clemens Wenzel Lothar Nepomuk Prince von Metternich-Winneburg assumed a main job at these gatherings somewhere in the range of 1814 and 1822, and he especially needed them to occur in the regions of the Austrian Empire since he could in this manner better control their course and apply impact over the occasions to a degree without a doubt surpassing the genuine intensity of the express whose intrigues he upheld.