I would make a law where anyone can come over to the United States and stay, regardless of their legal status. Open borders, where anyone, from anywhere, can, in exchange for providing ID, a customs/smuggling/invasive species check of their belongings, and maybe a health check, they get in. Once in, a separate but similarly simple process to get a green card. Following a suitable period of residency, say, 5-10 years, citezinship (if they want it). It would be suitable for this law to fall under the Legislative Branch, as it makes all laws (including laws relating to immigration), declares war, regulates interstate and foerign commerce, and controls taxing and spending policies.
The 38th parallel is a “popular name given to latitude 38° N that in East Asia roughly demarcates North Korea and South Korea.” (Source: Britannica.com)
They use them to figure out how the objects relate and what time period or place of origin the artifacts or fossils are from
scientists use index fossils to match rock layers. An index fossil must be widely distributed and represent a type of organism that existed only briefly. They are useful because they tell the relative ages of the rock layers they are found in. preserved by heat and pressure applied to the organism; only carbon is left.
Mexican War Dictatorial Centralist government in Mexico commenced the war because of annexation of Texas. Mexico continued to claim in spite<span> of the fact that the </span><span>independent republic of Texas was established a decade before. However, some historians argue that the US started the war by annexing Texas and stationing an army in Rio Grande. Another interpretation was that the administration of US President James K. Polk forced Mexico to war to </span><span>capture California and the Southwest. </span> <span> </span>