Hugging her grandmother =touch is the only one I'm pretty sure
Each new shopping mall is built with better features than before.
The second paragraph talks about how over time, better things have come into malls.
which one is true ?
a) help to us
b) help us</h3><h3 />
<em>Hope this helped!</em>
Persuasive speeches are usually aimed to convince the audience to accept the speaker's point of view. <em>(whether right or wrong)</em>. Judging by that, the speech in question has already passed as a persuasive speech since it is aimed at persuading an audience.
Similarly, the content of the persuasive speech has a lot to do with the adoption of a <em>new tax policy </em>by the government<em>. </em>Hence, this makes this makes the speech a persuasive speech on a question of policy.