There are several scenarios that might indicate that you have been a victim within a identity theft situation. It could be that you see very unusual purchases on your credit account - or your credit report when pulled shows accounts that you didn't open yourself. This is usually what happens in some cases of identity theft. This is how you would know if you were a victim in identity theft.<span />
The answer is <u><em>false</em></u>. 1 second is way too close. It's around the 3-4 second space. You'll learn this in drivers ed if you haven't already.
Answer: The gateway drug effect (alternatively, stepping-stone theory, escalation hypothesis, or progression hypothesis) is a comprehensive catchphrase for the often observed effect that the use of a psychoactive substance is coupled to an increased probability of the use of further substances.
<span>Your body meets the challenge of its stressors by:
- reacting with heightened levels of awareness, focus and physical reactivity. </span>
Answer: the bond gets weaker .