In the case of "Untitled" by James Baldwin, the author talks about the rain falling on people, and asks God to make the rain light, so that it does not drown the speaker:
<em>"Do not get carried away/by the sound of falling water,/ the marvelous light/on the falling water."</em>
In "Design," the speaker describes the death of a moth when trapped by a spider. He describes the scene as a "broth," and talks about the water that covers the spider.
Finally, in "Nothing but Death," the author describes death as a trip on a river:
<em>"caskets sailing up the vertical river of the dead,/the river of dark purple,/moving upstream with sails filled out by the sound of death,/filled by the sound of death which is silence."</em>
In this way, all of the authors represent mortality through the use of the symbol of water.