It's both depending on the circumstances.
If your born in one of the 48 mainland states + Alaska + Hawaii it is geography.
If you choose to come to America and have acceptable qualifications, then its choice.
You would need to introduce a list.
For example you could have: My shopping list contains of; milk, bread, and yogurt.
Another purpose is to separate clauses.
Marguerite the young Maya Angelou in the story I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings was expected to recite the next time she visits Mrs Flower. Mrs Flower told Marguerite the importance of speaking even if she is mute. Mrs Flower lends her books so she can practice.
"The Jilting of Granny Weatherall" takes place in the bedroom where Granny Weatherall is dying.
An indirect characterization is a character in a story wherein his personality is shown through speech, action or appearance. Given the story of each paragraph above, it shows that Cindy's story is an example of indirect characterization.