Tissues. -Groups of similar cells that work together to perform a specific task or function-Blood BLANK is made of simimlar (blood cells) that work together to do a job.
Organ. ...
Organ System. ...
Organism. ...
Robert Hooke. ...
Cell. ...
Vacuole. ...
Golgi Body.
Myelin sheath
Myelin sheath cover the axon of neurons and act as insulator for the faster transmission of signals.
Each axon is covered by multiple myelin sheaths and the gap between myelin sheath are known as Nodes of Ranvier.
In CNS myelin sheath is composed of glial cell called as oligodendrocytes and in PNS the myelin sheath is composed of Sachwann cells (glial cells).
The phosphate in AMP is not attached by a high energy bond.
Your answer is a: how DNA is formed.
Glucose serves as a major source of energy for metabolic processes in mammalian cells. Since polar molecules cannot be transported across the plasma membrane, carrier proteins called glucosse transporters are needed for cellular uptake.