Culturally there was increase in crime,and emergence of jazz, which was a new music and dance style. sexual freedoms in women and dressing code among the youth also radically changed.
Politically, there was increased freedoms and an inclusive american society,driven by american nationalism emerged.
The Babylonian empire.
The kingdom of Judah was a powerful vassal state of the Assyrian empire, which was completely defeated by the Babylonian empire in 605 BC. This fact began the war between Chaldeans and Egyptians, who were allies of Assyria.
Supported by the Egyptian empire, the kingdom of Judah rebelled against the empire of Babylon in 597 B.C.
After a series of battles, the kingdom of Judah was defeated by the Chaldean army, who destroyed the city of Jerusalem. By way of punishment, the survivors were sent into exile to the city of Babylon.
Success in your homework!
The war between France and Spain for control of Italy ended when the...
The Spanish King Charles 1 sacked Rome in 1527
The war which began with the invasion of Italy by the French King Charles VIII in 1494 came to an end by the Peace of Cateau-Cambrésis (1559), Before that Francis gave up all claims to Italy in the Treaty of Cambrai (1529).
He wanted to keep the country together.
-That only the Catholic Church had the authority to interpret the Bible.