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The judge will give him a lighter sentence.
The action of the Joshua is the result of the altered area oh his brain and information comes to aid him for lighter sentence for his reaction. even the lighter punishment is not the same as of a normal criminal committing the same offense but it may include counseling and other method suggested the psychiatrist. The role of psychiatrists in this type of situation is very important because they have to testify the reason for the inappropriate behavior.
Congress was concerned about how admitting it as a slave state would affect representation and the balance of power between states.
During that period, Missouri was a huge area that was called Missouri Territory and by 1819, there were enough people in part of that so it could be considered a state. But to be considered a state the Congress had to approve it.
In that period there was a struggle between free states and pro-slavery states the union wanted a balance between those two and the addition of a new state could ruin that balance.
The admission of Missouri would have added a slave state to the Senate and left northern non-slave states as a minority. This is the reason the application of Missouri caused a two-year debate.
Answer: Matthew 32 vs 26 to 40 talks about the greatest commandment of God. It states that thou shall love the LORD they God with all thine heart, with all thine soul and with all thine might, this is the first and greatest commandment while the second is to love the your neighbor as your selves. Jesus what us to understand that God is love and he forgave all our iniquities and accepted us in our unclean state and also welcome us to himself and we should also do the same by loving him with all of our being. He wanted us to understand the concept of love, that if you can love God, and love your neighbor, you will not want to sin or do any harm to your neighbor because God's love forgave our sin by covering it up so our love will overshadow every hurt by our neighbors.
Explanation: the first commandment make us to understand that God should take the first and center stage in our life and we should not love anything more than him. That our love for material things, neighbor (everyone) should not be greater than our love for him. Putting God first in every thing you do, in our relationship , day to day live, jobs and everything that concern us, God should come first and his love will lead us through all life challenges.