Religious, faith, race, age, etc.
Develop plants that are unable to reproduce
By producing sterile plants, the scientists may observe the effect of their presence on the ecosystem without the risk of the plants reproducing too quickly to be controlled. If the plant does not act as an invasive specie and is promoting the ecosystem in which it is placed, non-sterile varieties of the plant may be developed. However, if the plant seems to have an overbearing competitive advantage and is easily over taking the other species' resources, it should not be introduced.
During nitrogen fixation specialised bacteria living in the earth's atmosphere convert nitrogen taken from the geosphere
I think what happens is that the Cyclin component of the MPF is degraded. MPF or mitosis promoting factor, consists of two important cell cycle regulatory protein called the cyclin and cyclin dependent kinases (CDK). The cdk and the cyclins are the major control switches for the cell cycle, causing the cell to move from G1 to S or G2 to M.
The correct answer is actin. Microfilaments are made form a ball-shaped protein called actin. These actins are globular proteins who are the ones responsible for the formation of microfilaments. It is mostly found in the eukaryotic cells.