During the Second Great Awakening, the way that revival meetings differed from traditional church services in America is that A. revival meetings were loud and exciting, while church services tended to be formal and quiet. You must have seen in the movies these services that include people singing, and clapping, and even dancing during the ceremony, in order to celebrate life and God. Usually, in churches, that doesn't happen, as the service is solemn and serious most of the time, with people listening to what the preacher has to say and praying quietly.
The WPA.
WPA Works Projects Administration was the principal agency in the context of New Deal.
The WPA employed millions of Americans between them there were an important number of women as the housewife.
Most of the searcher comment that almost every community in US had a new park bridge or school that was built by the WPA.
C women did not do any of that except for C
I am pretty sure its sports television