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77 Latin Words, Abbreviations, and Expressions That You Should Know
Latin Word/Phrase Literal Translation
carpe diem seize the day
Cogito ergo sum. I think, therefore, I am
Veni, vidi, vici. I came, I saw, I conquered
e pluribus unum out of many, one
76 more rows•Jul 18, 2013
Terence Tao is a supreme problem-solver whose spectacular work has had an impact across several mathematical areas. He combines sheer technical power, an other-worldly ingenuity for hitting upon new ideas, and a startlingly natural point of view that leaves other mathematicians wondering, " Why didn't anyone see that before?"
The activities could be :
Walking, running, watching tv, homework, games, and reading? i just picked the first ones i could think of.. Sorry..
Everyday i walk 40mins, run for 10mins, and play games for 30 mins. i read and watch tv for about an hour. Homework usually takes about 30 mins to 1 hour.
Translation of above ^^
Mainnichi, yonnjyu punn aruite, dyu punn hash itte, ge-emu wo sanndyu punn yarimasu. Terebi to honnyomu toki wa, ichijikann kurai yarimasu. Shyukudai wa sannjyupunn kara ichijikann kurai yarimasu.
I do them daily.
Translation of above ^^
Mainichi yarimasu.
I always do then by my self, except sometimes my older brother watches tv with me.
Translation :
Itsumo hitorideyate irukedo, oniisann ga ishyoni terebi miru tokiwa arimasu.
I walk to school, and i run afterwards. The rest i do at home. Sometimes i watch tv with my friends.
Translation :
Gakoue aruite, gakouno ato ni, hashirimasu. Ato wa, ie de yarimasu. Tokidoki, tomodachi to terebi mo miru koto ga arimasu.
I do these activities because I want to stay fit and have fun. I read because it helps me calm down.
Translation :
Kono akutibitii wo yaru riyuu wa, kennkou de itai shi, tanoshimukoto mo a shi taikaradesu. Yomu no wa, ochitukutame ni shi te masu.
I hope this helps you.. I don't know if these are your sorts of activities or not, but they are the most common ones so i chose them.. Hopefully it did mean these activities and not clubs... I only thought of that just now.. Sorry...
Anyways, good luck !!
umbrella- छाता - chhaata
clock- घड़ी - ghadee
shoes- जूते - joote
bag- थैला - thaila
window- खिड़की - khidakee
pencil- पेंसिल - pensil
ball- गेंद - gend
ink pen- स्याही कलम - syaahee vaalee kalam