Every Muslim is required to go visit mecca if affordable
Jackie Robinson was the first.
Rome contributed to democracy by creating a government where the people ruled. While Rome was a republic and not a democracy, the Romans established the framework for future democratic governments. Rome had senators and tribunes elected by the people to represent their interests.
Answer: 1) one state party that monopolizes all the power (there is no pluralism within society), 2) strong indoctrination in all parts of society and organized by the ministry of information/culture/propaganda (and its apparatus), 3) cenzorship, 4) repressive apparatus, 5) society is "closed" (meaning of "closed society": Karl R. Popper), 6) there must be some official myth turned both to the past and future
Explanation: my answer has to do with the political practice and not with the theory. In fact there were no Communist societies/regimes in this world. There were just 1) Communist philosophies, 2) Communist parties, 3) official Communist propaganda. In spite of all that there are still Communist parties and Communists. Perhaps there are even Marxist historians. Communism has to do with a belief we humans usually have (also thanks to Enlightenment): that each idea can be put into practice. Communist experiment can be viewed as a useful but not successful attempt to put Communist ideas into practice.