The correct answer is option c. Haploid spores.
In the plants, spores are normally unicellular and haploid and produced by the process of meiosis in the sporophytic body of the plant.
These haploid spores undergo the mitotic division and develop a new individual called gametophyte that forms gametes eventually.
Thus, the correct answer is option C. Haploid spores.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of digital over analog?
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“Advantages of Digital Communication. The effect of distortion, noise, and interference is much less in digital signals as they are less affected. Digital circuits are easy to design and cheaper than analog circuits. The hardware implementation in digital circuits, is more flexible than analog.” In general, digital is far easier to handle and has (virtually) unlimited precision (limited only by hardware constraints and compute time).
Analog computation takes place at a significant portion of the speed of light (the time it takes for an electrical signal to traverse a circuit). However, it is almost impossible to correct completely for noise, and precision is limited to three (or at most four significant digits).
Life and 98% of what you learn is a waste
Absolute gonna get married fu. ck have children realize why the fu. ck did you do this and die at 95.
I blame charlie scene
bacterial:Cell is isolated and Independent. It survives as an individual on its own. human:Cytoplasmic bridges are present which help in inter-cellular transport in between neighboring cells. bacterial:No cytoplasmic bridges as there is only one cell.