There are all sorts of possibilities for, say, inserting new technologies into existing processes. But most of these improvements are incremental. They are worth doing; in fact, they may be necessary for survival. No self-respecting airline, for instance, could do without an application that lets you download your boarding pass to your mobile telephone. It saves paper, can't get lost and customers want it.
But while it's essential to offer applications like the electronic boarding pass, those will not distinguish a company. Electronic boarding passes have already been replicated by nearly every airline. In fact, we've already forgotten who was first.
Hit the return key after you type in a cell
The main benefit of the ordered list is that you can apply Binary Search( O( n log n) ) to search the elements. Instead of an unordered list, you need to go through the entire list to do the search( O(n) ).
The main cost of the ordered list is that every time you insert into a sorted list, you need to do comparisons to find where to place the element( O( n log n) ). But, every time you insert into an unsorted, you don't need to find where to place the element in the list ( O(1) ). Another cost for an ordered list is where you need to delete an element, you have an extra cost rearranging the list to maintain the order.
- import java.util.Scanner;
- public class Main {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- Scanner input = new Scanner(;
- System.out.print("Please enter two characters: ");
- String inputStr = input.nextLine();
- if(inputStr.charAt(0) == 'B' || inputStr.charAt(0) == 'b'){
- System.out.println("Biology");
- }
- else if(inputStr.charAt(0) == 'C' || inputStr.charAt(0)== 'c'){
- System.out.println("Computer Science");
- }
- else if(inputStr.charAt(0) == 'I' || inputStr.charAt(0) == 'i')
- {
- System.out.println("Information Technology and Systems");
- }
- else{
- System.out.println("Invalid major");
- }
- int num = Character.getNumericValue(inputStr.charAt(1));
- if(num >= 1 && num <= 4){
- switch (num){
- case 1:
- System.out.println("freshman");
- break;
- case 2:
- System.out.println("sophomore");
- break;
- case 3:
- System.out.println("junior");
- break;
- case 4:
- System.out.println("senior");
- break;
- }
- }
- else{
- System.out.println("Invalid year status");
- }
- }
- }
The code consists of two main parts. The part 1 is to validate the input major and print out the major according to the input character (Line 10 -22). If the input character is not matched with the target letters, a message invalid major will be displayed.
The part 2 is to validate the year status to make sure it only fall within the range of 1-4 (Line 26 -45). If within the range, the program will display the year major accordingly. If not a message invalid year status will be displayed.