Answer:se muestran los documentos recientes, la de iTunes muestra links para abrir la iTunes Store o reproducir toda nuestra colección, etc
Here's a solution in node.js. Can be easily transcribed to other languages:
var paint_per_sqf = 1/350;
var wall_area = 250.0;
var gallons_paint = wall_area * paint_per_sqf;
console.log(wall_area.toFixed(1) + " square feet wall will need:");
console.log(gallons_paint.toFixed(12) + " gallons of paint");
This link should help:
An ordinance is the name typically used for a law passed by a local political subdivision, such as a city, county, village, or town. Ordinances may address a wide variety of local issues, from local government structure to speed limits and sign sizes.