2018 United States elections were held in the United States on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, except for certain special elections. All these races, whether for a federal, state, or local office, were administered by the individual state and local governments, which is standard practice in the United States. These midterm elections took place in the middle of Republican President Donald Trump's first term. All 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives and 35 of the 100 seats in the United States Senatewere contested. In addition, 39 state and territorial governorships, as well as numerous other state and local elections, were also contested.
Democratic incumbent running
Democratic incumbent retiring
Republican incumbent running
Republican incumbent retiring
Independent incumbent running
Democratic incumbent eligible for re-election
Term-limited or retiring Democrat
Republican incumbent eligible for re-election
The election saw Democrats take contro
Before the Renaissance occurred, several countries across Europe were suffering from diseases and poverty. They were also suffering from problems such as lack of employment and education, health care, a stable home, and basic necessities of life. These problems sometimes led to numerous deaths of both children and adults due to lack of health care provided. In terms of art before the Renaissance began, it was normally centered around religious figures or meanings and showed limited techniques used to make the piece of art look more realistic. When the Renaissance began, new techniques of art was introduced such as perspective, individuality, classical art styles and beauty designs. When these new techniques were applied to paintings, it made it look more detailed and realistic.
The head of Hartford Convention was Harrison Gray Otis. Besides him there were 25 other participants:
George Cabot
Benjamin Hazard
Benjamin West
Calvin Goddard
Chauncey Goodrich
Daniel Lyman
Daniel Waldo
Edward Manton
George Bliss
Hodijah Baylies
James Hillhouse
John Treadwell
Joseph S. Lyman
Joshua Thomas
Mills Olcott
Nathan Dane
Nathaniel Smith
Roger Minott Sherman
Samuel Sumner Wilde
Samuel Ward, Jr.
Stephen Longfellow, Jr.
Timothy Bigelow
William Hall, Jr.
William Prescott, Jr.
Zephaniah Swift
World War I killed more people (9 million combatants and 5 million civilians) and cost more money ($186 billion in direct costs and another $151 billion in indirect costs) than any previous war in history
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