One part is "Unless we start listening to Mother Nature and start taking care of our lush, green planet, our world as we know it will not be around much longer." It can make the reader seem worried for the planet because they live on it and it not being around much longer than where will they go? It makes them want to help for the sake of them selves. As well as "Every part of nature is being depleted by overuse and lack of care, and no one seems concerned." People don't want to be know as "the bad guys" so they want to start helping so they won't be put into the horrible people title.
I'm going to use x as the missing/unknown number here. You know that the answer is, at most, 30. You also know that a product of something means multiplication. So, something times five is, at most, 30.
This would be written as: 5x<span>≤30, as the answer is equal to 30, or less than that.
If you'd like to solve for x, you divide both sides by 5:
The sign does NOT flip, the number that was divided to get x alone was not a negative, so no sign-flipping is needed.</span>
The sentences are not sentences, b
poor ocean
full of plastic and cans
caused by humans
that the poor fish can't withstand
I well be happy to see the day
where fish are not prey
the ocean clean
and stop being unclean
I think is complex and I also had the same assignment but a little bit different but, if is not the answer then I try