The Sonnet XLI by Elizabeth Barrett Browning was built around a Central Paradox. The speaker was at one point talking about life, and then she talks about death and how ironic it was on how these two came about. She describes the two as if they are one, life and death.
Answer: Im sorry i wont give you the full essay because i have one to write myself, but i can give you some ideas. You can use extinction for an example write about animals going extinct, and how it would affect the food chain. For example, if spiders were to die smaller bugs that were eaten by spiders population would start to grow to the point of there being too many. If animals were to die that eat other animals there wouldnt be much to keep the rest of the population in check
This is what I got hope it helps
The author of “The Cold Equations” most likely wants you to believe that Marilyn was supposed to get thrown overboard. She was threatened to be killed and this excerpt clearly shows the idea , so it will definitely help you:
“You mean it — you really mean it.” She sagged back against the wall, small and limp like a little rag doll,and all the protesting and disbelief gone. “You’re going to do it — you’re going to make me die?” “I’m sorry,” he said again. “You’ll never know how sorry I am. It has to be that way and no human in the universe can change it.”