Because some surface water might turn into ground water and some channels are there and it might go into a large body of water
Non-prokaryotic organisms typically have two life cycle stages: trophozoite and cyst is Protozoa.
<h3>What is Protozoa?</h3>
- Protozoa is a group of single celled, non- prokaryotic organisms.
- These may either be free living or parasitic in nature.
- These are heterotrophs and reproduce asexually by binary fission.
- The Protozoa consists of many unrelated or loosely related organisms.
- They are divided into four major groups: Sarcodina, Flagellates, Ciliates and Sporozoans..
- Some protozoa consist of two phases in their life cycle: proliferative stage (trophozoites) and resting stage (cysts).
- Trophozoites consists of the proliferative stage in which the protozoa divides and reproduces.
- The resting cyst form helps the protozoa to survive harsh environmental conditions like harmful chemicals, extreme temperature and nutrient and water deficiency.
Learn more about protrozoa here:
cohesive force
The first three forces are also collectively called van Der Waals forces. All of the inter molecular forces that hold a liquid together.
The way I'm interpreting this is that what type of bound are these? And yes share electrons in various bonds can share electrons lose and gain, these all sounds like covalent bonds and ionic and hydrogen bounds are from.single to double and to triple bounds.