Both the republic and state granted lands for military service in the form of bounty and donation grants.
"By an act of 1879 certificates for an additional 640 acres were granted under stringent restrictions to indigent veterans of the Texas Revolution. Bounty and donation grants for military service amounted to a total of 3,149,234 acres."
Basically, as a reward or an incentive for their service in multiple battles.
After the War of 1812, Americans A "gained a renewed sense of pride in their country." There were no territorial gains in the war, however it solidified Americas ability to hold off the British, and therefore increased national pride.
Napoleon's impact on the French economy was of modest importance in the long run. He did sweep away the old guilds and monopolies and trade restrictions. ... This had the effect of encouraging innovation in Britain, where the Industrial Revolution was well underway, and diverting the need for innovation in France.
B: Merchants with common trade interest who joined together and formed associations for their mutual benefit.
Jefferson’s objection of Hamilton’s loose interpretation of the Constitution