Germany had lost territorial losses, including Alsace-Lorraine, Eupen and Malmedy, Northern Schleswig, Polish Corridor, Part of Upper Silesa, Danzig, Hultchin, Memel, and also loss control of coal-rich region, Saar, to the French for 15 years.
Germany had been so greedy with their things that people wanted to take the good things away from them to see how they would feel.
Whatever the African impact of the Atlantic trade, it was at its greatest in West Africa, which supplied the largest number of captives, although at the height of the trade many other parts of Africa were also used as a source for slaves. In addition, the trade had a disproportionate impact on the male population, because male slaves were the most sought after in the Americas; it is thought that roughly two-thirds of the slaves taken to the New World were male, only one-third female.
Powerful Africans who engaged in slave dealing could make a sizeable profit from the trade, especially in view of the relatively high prices that European merchants were prepared to pay for African slaves. By the eighteenth century, slaves had become Africa’s main export.
Lenin and their family were sent to Siberia, where he lived in Shushenskoye.
Persia was no longer the great power it once had been
England's people would of been the first group of English settlers to establish a settlement.