<span>Following the panic of 1819, there were several reforms to voting procedures. The most notable of which is surely the fact that electors would now be decided through the popular vote of citizens. Attention had now been drawn to the fact that better preparations needed to be in place for both debt relief and poor relief.</span>
El Foro y la Mesa Redonda son muy similar pero tienen tambien una grande diferencia. El foro tambien donde se reunen para discutir diferentes asuntos y donde todos escuchando pueden intevenir en la discusion, incluyendo el auditorio. La Mesa redonda es mas para una cierta cantidad de sujetos que se reunen para desarollar un tema en especifico. En otras palabras la gran diferencia entre las dos son la cantidad de individuos que participan en la discussion.
Answer: C. Educating women
Explanation: It could be argued that, High rate of fertility can result due to economic and societal roles and contribution of children.
High infant mortality rate, which is generally referred to as the death of children under the age of one.
Religious pressure is also a contributing factor as some religion are of the opinion that favors Hugh child bearing rate.
The societal conception or desire for male children in some societies is another reason for high fertility.
However, female education is not a reason for high fertility rate as female education will only explain and educate female on the best way to go about fertility a disease childbearing.
True. The Soviets
were the first to send unmanned satellites then rockets that had animals in
it. The U.S. in response funded space
projects and gave additional support to NASA.
It also promoted scientific studies in school as part of their campaign
to gain supremacy in the space race.
The Nile river no longer floods because of the Aswan dam built in the 1960s.