Answer: The post-reinforcement pause.
The post-reinforcement pause occurs when the delivery of a reinforcer on fixed-ratio and fixed interval schedule of reinforcement. When he considers not to do anything after having so much before him this behavioural type is known as post-reinforcement pause
Answer: The industries in Nepal can be classifies into 4 types, they are: cottage, small-scale, medium scale and large-scale industries. They are classified in the basis of the fixed capital.
Empathy altruism
Empathy altruism is a social exchange theory. In this theory, people help those people who experience the same situation as the person who supports the person have experienced the same feelings. When a person feels to help another person then the person supports that person. They help that person without any demand. And in another way, we can say that people help another person because they pleasure or happiness in helping others. When the people do not feel empathy then it transfers to the social exchange theory.