These are all aspects of emotional intelligence (also known as emotional quotient).
Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to understand and recognise your own emotions and feelings and the emotions of others. The theory of EI was first introduced by Michael Beldoch, but it gained popularity when journalist David Goleman wrote a book about EI. Goleman proposed a model of five factors, that could increase someone's success and leadership skills. These five factors are self-awareness (the ability to understand and evaluate your own feelings, thoughts, skills, weaknesses and goals), motivation, impulse control (self-regulation), mood management and people skills (empathy).
Cytoplasm is the fluid that fills a cell
<span>Early behaviorists were much less likely to focus on the study of "Thinking".
Behaviorism is a learning hypothesis that concentrates on equitably perceptible practices and rebates any free activities of the mind. Behavior theorists characterize learning as simply the procurement of new conduct in light of environmental conditions.
I don’t have all the greatest ideals i’ll admit, and wish to live the simple life of free trade and reserved government but that is a thing of the past. if i were president though, i would keep the promise of individual rights and the soul ideals of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. i would like to stop those trying to infringe on others rights and make everyone feel safe in their country.
short term memory
Short term memory refers to the memory that exist for a short span of time. Such memories are stored and active for a short period. These memories are the result of the information that are currently stored and are a result of the active sensory memories. Short term memories are subject to few seconds and can be stored for some seconds only.
In the given excerpt, Aarav has stored the memory of Dante's phone number in his short term memory. For some seconds he was able to recall them, but after a while it was blurred from his mind.