Lost Generation, a group of American writers who came of age during World War I and established their literary reputations in the 1920s. ... Scott Fitzgerald, John Dos Passos,
Archibald MacLeish, Hart Crane, and many other writers who made Paris the centre of their literary activities in the 1920s those are the main ones if that helps
Leaders--they with commissioners for NE created a treaty and therefore the sagamores are spokespersons or leaders of the tribes.
Sagamores of the tribes were meeting with NE leadership to create a treaty. Only leadership would be recognized for the treaty process. The sagamores were either leaders of the tribes or acting as diplomats to complete the treaty process.
Jefferson wrote out a rough draft of the Declaration, which was carefully revised by the committee and presented to Congress for adoption. After some further slight revisions by that body, it was adopted on July 4, 1776, at Philadelphia.