C. Australia is moving at about ~7 centimeters a year, which is about 67 millimeters.
The best answer to the question: Which statement about science and religion is NOT true? Would be: No scientists are religious.
Basically that would be the one WRONG statement because it would require for us to know that in truth all scientists are not religious, which is not possible. This statement first arises from the conclusion that science and religion are two completely incompatible areas, and therefore, any person who belongs to one cannot belong to the other. Although it is true that in many ways it seems as if science and religion do not coincide, it must be remembered that it was religious belief, and the desire to explain why the world worked the way it did, what inspired first philosophers like Aristotle, Plato, Saint Augustine, to name a few, to observe and investigate the natural world around them. Also, historically speaking, there have been many men who were religious and who became vital to the development of scientific tenets and fields of study. For all these reasons, the statement that No scientis are religious, is false.
Recall that this principle is the basis of Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity. According to the German researcher, gravity is not a force that acts independently on each object, but rather a deformation of the same temporal space tissue.
According to the test carried out now by the team of astronomers, these three dead stars in two of their forms, a pulsar or a white dwarf, are perfect candidates to confirm the theory.
The equivalence was already understood centuries ago by Galileo Galilei. In his famous test of the spheres in the Tower of Pisa he demonstrated the existence on Earth. Subsequently, astronaut David Scott did the same on the lunar surface in 1971.
Now, this team has demonstrated it by studying two of the densest objects in the universe. Until today, many believed that the high density of the pulsar made him exempt from complying with the equivalence principle. However, being subjected to the gravitational field of one of the white dwarfs, the closest and least massive, after six years of observations, they have been able to demonstrate that both bodies have the same acceleration. And, if there is a difference, it is less than three parts between one million. That is the conclusion reached by a new test that tested Einstein and corroborated his theories once again.
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