Answer and Explanation:
The suggestions are as follows
1. There may be a faulty configuration that leads to packet losses, those packets lost are retransmitted over and over again that may have caused network slowing down.
2. The route or direction for the transmission of packets over the network can shift, which in effect increases the time for the transmission of packets and thus leads to a slowed-down network.
3. Probability is the authentication server that would take too much time to respond.
4. There may be some applications that produce errors for certain requests and therefore fail to complete the process on time. The failures may be on the front end of the server or back end.
Upgrading the apps to new versions will solve the issue, as the upgraded software involve different fixes.
5. Users will be tested on what they're doing on their devices. Unacceptable use of the network services can also result to a network slow- down.
6. Certain bad cable connexions or poor signal strength can result in network slowing down.