<span>The MSI Gaming App allows for a one-click performance for profiles that unlock extra performance for gaming or to keep your card silent during light use.</span>
The solution code is written in R script.
- #string variable
- character_str<- "Hello World"
- #logical variable
- logic <- a > b
- #Missing value
- myVec <-c(1, 2, 3, NA)
- #Use class to check data type
- class(character_str)
- class(logic)
- class(myVec)
A string variable is a variable that hold a string (the letters enclosed within quotation marks) (Line 2)
A logical variable is a variable that hold a logical value (either True or False). The logical value is created by comparing two variables (Line 5).
In R, missing value is an unknown value which is represented by NA symbol (Line 8).
We can use in-built method <em>class </em> to check for the variable type in R (Line 11-13). For example, the output of <em>class(character_str)</em> is "<em>character</em>"
it means that you need to charge it or change the batteries depending on what kind you have
A database view is a searchable object in a database that is defined by a query. Though a view doesn't store data, some refer to a views as “virtual tables,” you can query a view like you can a table. A view can combine data from two or more table, using joins, and also just contain a subset of information.
A database view is a subset of a database that is based on a query that runs on one or more database tables. Database views are saved in the database as named queries and can be used to save complete queries that are frequently used.