Well, a diverse society is stable and alive with positive dynamics, easy to adapt to changes and always geared towards a positive evolutionary.
As an individual, a diverse society offers greater opportunity for personal and professional growth.
In the society, diverse cultural views can inspire creativity and innovation. A diverse society has a pool of diverse skills base which allows an organization to produce broader and more adaptable range of goods and services.
A challenge in this is that integration across multicultural groups can be difficult due to negative cultural stereotypes. Some countries require navigating visa and application of employment laws that could be challenging requirements.
Diversity quotas in colleges can be outlawed but still allow colleges to consider race in admitting students.
Wish you luck!
A beginning of a great business
Not for sure that the answer
How much the money you have !!!
Answer: c. a decision-making entity at a firm involved in a strategic game
In a theoretical game, there are two players that have to embark on different strategies such that they make the maximum payoff. This maximum payoff strategy is known as the dominant strategy.
These two players are the decision making entities in the firms that are competing in the game because they are the ones that decide how the firm should react and what strategy to use. For instance, the owners of the two bakeries down the street are the players because they control what either bakery will do.
don't know about Nepal but a lot of scope in india