Explanation:The author's tone towards the subject is the viewpoint on the matter. Through the author's tone we are given a glimpse of the author's feelings and train of thought. The tone may be formal or informal,sad or cheerful,optimistic or ominous.
The tone plays an important role in providing meaning to the tension that has been set by the author.
The phrase is an incomplete thought.
Because although he believes that his son should not smoke, he does not think that smoking is such a serious and hateful sin that the boy is severely punished.
"Home" by, Anton Chekhov is a story that addresses the relationship between father and son and their conversation about the dangers of stimulating smoking.
In this story, Yevgeny Petrovitch Bykovsk discovers, through the housekeeper, that his seven-year-old son was caught smoking cigars from his father's drawer. The father calls his son to talk about how this habit is wrong for such a young boy, but he has difficulties in punishing the child because he does not think he has done anything serious and hateful.
allocated narratives Irony is a way for a character to communicate his or her humor; it is typically expressed in a sarcastic manner, implying the inverse of what is stated. Irony is classified into three types: verbal, situational, and dramatic. The tale " Orientation " has verbal irony as a result of the character teaching how to operate the microwave. The short tale " The Guest " employs situational irony when the protagonist stays in the barn with the prisoner. The short tale " Good Country People " employs dramatic irony when the viewer learns what Mrs. Hopewell thinks of her employees. Irony is defined as a character's expression of humor.
This is the story of Baba Abdallah. The plot explores the dangers of being in greed. Orphan from a young age, Baba achieved success through camel-renting business. One day, he met a dervish who reveals Baba a secret about hidden wealth that could make both of them richer. That dervish took Baba to the treasure in exchange of his forty camels. Baba agreed. They then loaded the camels with all treasure they could carry. But, while on his journey back home, Abdallah was struck with greed for more. He then asked the dervish a few camels back so he can bring more treasure; the dervish agreed. But, unfortunately, the voracious nature took over Baba and he then wanted to possess the magical ointment too. The dervish warned him not to use the ointment as he might go blind, but, drenched in greed, Baba disobeys and lost his right eye. His greedy nature made him blind as well as poor because he was not even able to continue his business.
This short explanation of the tale can easily support the simple message, which is:
(B) if we ask for to much, we may lose what we have.