If i were allowed to try out any job in my state for a day i would choose ____ . Being a ___ seems like the perfect fit for someone like me because __(why do you want to try it)__ and ___(same thing as before)__
elaborate on that and make it interesting to the reader. always restate the prompt.
i need you more
help me instead im broke as heck i shouldlv been dead
Short answer: "That" is used to introduce essential clauses or information, while the pronoun "which" is used to add non-essential or non-defining clauses. Also, these non-essential clauses are set off with commas.
First of all, the words "that" and "which" are both relative pronouns; this means, both introduce clauses that describe a noun previously mentioned. However, the pronoun "that" should be used only to introduce essential or defining clauses (information that cannot be omitted); for example "She is the woman that I love". On the other hand, the word "which" introduces information that is not essential or non-defining clauses; for example "The house, which is located near the sea, is stunning". Moreover, clauses introduced by which are set off in commas to show they are not essential.
it is cascade :)) and uh yeah
d) Jo is beginning to fall in love