Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder I believe
Broadly Speaking, the differences between Protestants (of which there are many subsets) and Roman Catholics are:
The Bible:
Protestants see the Bible as the sole source of God's wisdom while Catholics are influenced by centuries of Church teaching and insight
The role of Good Works:
Protestants believe that salvation comes from faith alone while Catholics believe that faith must be accompanied by good works.
The Pope:
Catholics believe that the Pope is the successor of Saint Peter while Protestants don't see much Biblical authority for even having a Pope.
The Eucharist:
This is the big one. Con v. Transubstantiation. Catholics believe that you are eating the body and blood of Christ while Protestants believe it is a symbol.
Role of Mary, Saints, etc.
Role of the Sacraments
Priestly celibacy
The development of social norms, values and the issue of culture provide the framework for human relations at the organizational level. This is so because human relationships, inside and outside an organizational context such as a job or a hierarchical structure, are essentially conditioned by the social and cultural context in which they develop. Thus, personal interactions are in turn determined by what society expects of them, and the ethical and moral norms that it creates to govern human relations. Even in the legal context, many of these conceptions that society itself creates are translated into social norms, passing laws that emanate from the own customs and traditions of a society.
Learning local language.
While some of a culture's knowledge, rules, beliefs, values, fears, and anxieties are taught explicitly, most of the information is absorbed subconsciously.
Communicating across cultures is challenging because knowledge of cultures is essential for facilitating interaction with people. Language has always been an important source of communication. Moreover, language plays an important role when you want to express your opinions and attitudes to the person you are talking to and for that, it is essential to learn the local language for effective communication.