The New Deal created new lines of credit to help distressed farmers save their land and plant their fields. It helped tenant farmers secure credit to buy the lands they worked. It built roads and bridges to help transport crops, and hospitals for communities that had none.
No one received the majority of electoral votes in 1824--due to this the top 3 candidates moved on to the House of Representatives for a vote.
In 1824, no clear majority winner came out of the electoral votes. Andrew Jackson, John Q. Adams, and William Crawford were the top three vote winners so they went onto the House vote. In the House, each state gets one vote--John Q. Adams ended up winning the election.
She helped the usa win the war
Explanation:easy step by step equations and answers
The truimph of the proletariat.
Explanation: Marx believed that workers would ultimately truimph and capitalism would be defeated
1 and 2Which of the following is a characteristic of the Puritans in Massachusetts (check all that apply):
ved in toleration of others by allowing dissenters to debate within the church.
They did not practice religious freedoms<span>Magistrates administered laws of the colony and rules of the church</span>