<em>The housemaid suggest for the protection of their house certain plans and options as riots and burglaries were taking place in the non-white parts of the town where they lived.
A husband, wife and their son lived in a nice house. They had financial security and even had help at home. The man’s mother always stressed on protecting themselves and their home. The housemaid suggest for the protection of their house certain plans and options as riots and burglaries were taking place in the non-white parts of the town where they lived.
The plans of protecting their home included more security around the house and the construction of a wall and electronic gates. With the increase of burglaries, the family installed metal bars on the windows and a burglar alarm. Being paranoid about the events, the family limits their interactions with their own maid and builds the wall higher and installs metal barb-like implements at the top to prevent burglars climbing the walls to enter their home.
dealing with an unpleasant person - politeness
falling behind in a soccer match - perseverance
being annoyed by a sibling
- patience
seeing a friend teased by others
- loyalty
having a fear of heights- courage
just took the question
Answer: Damage is done when humans play God.
An important theme throughout Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is the damage that can be done to society when humans decide to play God. This is an idea that she mentions in her introduction to the work. In fact, the novel itself can be read as a cautionary tale against the ambitions of scientists and the vanity of humans.